Infohazard.HyperNav 1.1.5
3D Navigation for Flying Characters
No Matches
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
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 CFast3DArrayA data structure equivalent to a three-dimensional int array (int[,,]), but more efficient.
 CMarchingCubesCavityTablesTables for determining which cubes and combinations of cubes from the Marching Cubes algorithm will produce concave results.
 CMarchingCubesTablesTables used in the Marching Cubes algorithm.
 CMultiRegionMeshInfoA struct used to store mesh data of an in-progress volume mesh.
 CNavEditorUtilityUtility functions used internally, but you can use them too, I mean I'm not your boss.
 CNavVolumeBakeProgressRepresents current bake state of a volume, including progress fraction and current operation display name.
 CNavVolumeBakingUtilContains all the code needed to generate the data for a NavVolume.
 CNavVolumeEditorCustom editor for Infohazard.HyperNav.NavVolume.
 CNavVolumeExternalLinkUtilUtilities for generating the external links of NavVolumes.
 CThreadSafeIncrementorA value that can be incremented, decremented, or added to in a thread safe way.
 CAvoidanceJobJob that calculates the IAvoidanceAgent.AvoidanceVelocity of all IAvoidanceAgents.
 CNativeAvoidanceObstacleDataRepresents one obstacle (which may be an agent) in the avoidance system.
 CNativeBoundsA native-friendly of a bounding box.
 CNativeHeapAn implementation of a Min Heap that can be used with jobs and Burst.
 CNativeMathUtilityProvides math operations that are compatible with Burst.
 CNativeNavExternalLinkDataThe native-friendly data representing a connection from one region to another region in another volume.
 CNativeNavHitA native-friendly representation of a navigation query result.
 CNativeNavInternalLinkDataThe native-friendly data representing a connection from one region to another region in the same volume.
 CNativeNavRegionDataThe native-friendly data representing a single region in a NavVolume.
 CNativeNavVolumeDataThe baked data of a NavVolume, converted to a form compatible with Burst.
 CNativeNavWaypointA structure used by the navigation job to return the waypoints of a path.
 CNativePlaneA plane constructed using native math types.
 CNativeRayA ray constructed using native math types.
 CNativeRaycastElementA single raycast in a NavMultiRaycastJob.
 CNavMultiRaycastJobJob that performs multiple raycasts in one or more NavVolumes in parallel.
 CNavPathJobBurst-compatible job used to find a HyperNav path.
 CNavRaycastJobJob that performs a single raycast in a NavVolume.
 CPendingPathNodeA discovered node in a pending path, which serves as a key into the dictionary of per-node discovered info.
 CSplineProjectJobJob used to find the parameter along a spline that is nearest to the given point.
 CUnsafeArrayPtrThis is a simple wrapper for unmanaged memory which bypasses Unity's safety checks. This allows arrays to be nested in other arrays (or in structs contained in arrays). Note that you must keep a reference to the original NativeArray, or Unity will detect a memory leak.
 CVisitedNodeInfoThe information that has been discovered about a node during pathfinding, which is stored in a table.
 CAvoidanceStatic container that keeps track of all avoidance agents and obstacles.
 CAvoidanceAgentBase implementation of IAvoidanceAgent that should work in most scenarios.
 CAvoidanceManagerHandles calculating the avoidance velocities for all IAvoidanceAgents.
 CAvoidanceObstacleBaseBase class for obstacles that are not expected to perform avoidance, but are avoided by agents.
 CEdgeRepresents the indices of an edge (two connected vertices) in an indexed mesh.
 CIAvoidanceAgentInterface for objects that both can be avoided and themselves avoid other obstacles using the avoidance system.
 CIAvoidanceObstacleInterface for objects that can be avoided using the avoidance system.
 CNavAgentA script that can be used to calculate paths by any entity that needs to use HyperNav for navigation.
 CPropNamesThis is used to refer to the names of private fields in this class from a custom Editor.
 CNavDataInternalPointersReferences to the NativeArrays allocated for a NativeNavVolumeData.
 CNavExternalLinkDataA connection from one region to another region in another volume.
 CNavHitStructure that is used to report the nearest point on a NavVolume to a query.
 CNavInternalLinkDataA connection from one region to another region in the same volume.
 CNavPathA completed, valid path.
 CNavPathfinderA script used to calculate HyperNav paths.
 CPropNamesThis is used to refer to the names of private fields in this class from a custom Editor.
 CNavRegionBoundPlaneA plane forming one of the boundaries of a region.
 CNavRegionDataThe serialized data representing a single region in a NavVolume.
 CNavUtilContains utility methods for working with HyperNav navigation.
 CNavVolumeA volume of space in which HyperNav pathfinding can occur.
 CPropNamesThis is used to refer to the names of private fields in this class from a custom Editor.
 CNavVolumeDataThe baked data of a NavVolume, saved as an asset.
 CNavWaypointA waypoint in a completed path.
 CRigidbodyAvoidanceObstacleAn IAvoidanceObstacle that gets its IAvoidanceObstacle.InputVelocity from a Rigidbody.
 CSimpleAvoidanceObstacleAn IAvoidanceObstacle that gets its IAvoidanceObstacle.InputVelocity by measuring its position/time delta.
 CSplineNavAgentA script that can be used to calculate smooth paths by any entity that needs to use HyperNav for navigation.
 CSplinePathA spline specialized for path following, created with a NavPath.
 CSplinePointRepresents a point on a spline and the segment that starts with it.
 CTriangleRepresents the indices of a triangle (three vertices by a face) in an indexed mesh.