Infohazard.HyperNav 2.1.0
A pathfinding and avoidance solution for volumetric and omnidirectional navigation.
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Infohazard.HyperNav.Jobs Namespace Reference


struct  AvoidanceJob
 Job that calculates the IAvoidanceAgent.AvoidanceVelocity of all IAvoidanceAgents. More...
struct  NativeAvoidanceObstacleData
 Represents one obstacle (which may be an agent) in the avoidance system. More...
struct  NativePlane
 A plane constructed using native math types. More...
struct  NativeRay
 A ray constructed using native math types. More...
struct  NativeRaycastElement
 A single raycast in a NavMultiRaycastJob. More...
struct  NavMultiRaycastJob
 Job that performs multiple raycasts in one or more NavVolumes in parallel. More...
struct  NavPathJob
 Job used to find a HyperNav path. More...
struct  NavRaycastJob
 Job that performs a single raycast in a NavVolume. More...
struct  SplineProjectJob
 Job used to find the parameter along a spline that is nearest to the given point. More...