Infohazard.Core 1.4.0
Infohazard Core Utility Library
No Matches
Infohazard.Core Namespace Reference


class  AssetDropdownAttribute
 Attribute that draws an object reference as a dropdown that searches through the project. More...
struct  ComponentID
 A serializable type used to uniquely identify a component relative to a root GameObject. More...
class  ConditionalDrawAttribute
 Attribute draws a property when a given condition is true. More...
class  DebugUtility
 Contains various static methods relating to debugging and diagnostics. More...
class  DefaultPoolHandler
 An IPoolHandler that is passed a prefab directly. More...
class  DrawSingleChildPropertyAttribute
 Attribute draws only a single child property of a property. More...
class  EditNameOnlyAttribute
 Attribute that draws only the name of an Object reference field. More...
class  EnumerableUtility
 Contains various static methods for working with sequences, extending the functionality of LINQ. More...
class  ExpandableAttribute
 Attribute that enables editing properties of a referenced object. More...
class  GameObjectUtility
 Contains utility methods for dealing with GameObjects and Transforms. More...
class  HelpBoxAttribute
 Used to add a detailed help box that can be toggled in the inspector. This can be used to provide more information than a simple tooltip. More...
interface  IPersistedInstance
 This is a hack so that PoolManager can send messages to PersistedGameObjects. More...
class  ListQueue
 A FIFO data structure similar to a Queue, except that it implements all List operations. More...
class  MathUtility
 Contains utility methods for working with mathematical types and solving math equations. More...
class  MustImplementAttribute
 Applied to object reference fields to ensure that an assigned Object must implement one or more interfaces. More...
struct  PassiveTimer
 A lightweight timer that does not need to be updated each frame. More...
class  Pause
 Manages pausing and unpausing of the game. More...
class  Pool
 Provides a simple pool with an interface similar to the official Unity pool added in 2021. More...
class  PooledParticleEffect
 A component that can be attached to ParticleSystem GameObjects to make them work correctly with pooling. More...
class  PooledTrail
 A component that can be attached to TrailRenderer GameObjects to make them work correctly with pooling. More...
class  PoolManager
 The singleton manager class that handles object pooling. More...
class  ProgressBar
 Used to create health bars and other types of progress bars without using a Slider. More...
class  RandomUtility
 Contains extensions to builtin randomization functionality. More...
class  SceneControl
 Provides some methods to navigate to scenes. More...
class  Singleton
 Base class that makes it easier to write scripts that always have exactly one instance. More...
class  SingletonAsset
 Base class that makes it easier to write ScriptableObjects that always have exactly one instance in your project. More...
class  SingletonAssetBase
 Base class of SingletonAsset<T>. For internal use only. More...
class  Spawnable
 Attach this component to a prefab to enable it to use the pooling system. More...
struct  SpawnParams
 Used to pass spawn parameters to various object creation/initialization methods. More...
class  SpawnRef
 SpawnRef for spawning a GameObject directly. More...
class  SpawnRefBase
 Only used internally. More...
class  StringUtility
 Contains string processing utilities. More...
class  Tag
 Provides string constants for builtin Unity tags. More...
struct  TagMask
 Used to select tags in the inspector, including the ability to select multiple tags. More...
class  TagMaskUtility
 Static operations on Tag enum values. More...
class  TimeToLive
 Despawns a GameObject after a set amount of time. More...
class  TriggerVolume
 A script that makes it easy to add events to a trigger collider. More...
class  TypeSelectAttribute
 Attribute that draws string fields as a dropdown where a Type can be selected. More...
class  TypeUtility
 Contains utilities for working with C# reflection types and getting a type by its name. More...
class  UniqueNamedObject
 This script is used to assign a unique name to an object, which can then be used to find that object. More...
class  UniqueNameList
 A list used to organize unique names used by objects. More...
class  UniqueNameListEntry
 A unique name asset, usable by a UniqueNamedObject. More...