Infohazard.Core: A Collection of Useful Unity Utilities and Systems
Asset Store (Free Asset)Github (Public Repository)
Github (Addressables Integration) (Public Repository)
Infohazard.Core contains the core code shared between my various plugins, and has a lot of useful functionality on its own. Some examples of the features it provides:
- Edit referenced object properties and create ScriptableObjects in the inspector without changing context.
- Easy-to-use object pooling system reduce memory allocations.
- Addressables integration, including pooling support and much easier spawning and management.
- Pause system that helps avoid common errors related to setting Time.timeScale.
- A system to use GameObject tags in your code and assign them in the inspector without typing a string.
- A unique object name system to enable objects to reference each other across scenes, without having to type their names.
- Tons of helpful math utilities, such as solving polynomials up to degree 4.
- Much more miscellaneous functionality!
Documentation and API reference for the Addressables integration is here.