Infohazard.HyperNav 1.1.5
3D Navigation for Flying Characters
No Matches

All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.

The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.

[1.1.6] - 2023-6-21


  • Fixed a case where SplinePath data was not disposed.

[1.1.5] - 2023-3-10


  • Better prefab support for baked volumes.
    • Can now bake a volume in prefab mode.
    • Volumes that are prefab instances update their ID but do not unset their data reference.
    • Volumes baked in a prefab are stored in the prefab folder.

[1.1.4] - 2023-2-24


  • Support for moving volumes and floating origin, including a new demo scene.
    • External link positions are now stored in local space, but previously generated world-space links will still function.
    • Individual volumes can auto-detect movement, or you can call NavVolume.UpdateAllTransforms for floating origin.

[1.1.3] - 2023-1-19


  • New baking option EnableMultiQuery which fixes bake issues when VoxelSize is larger than MaxAgentRadius.
    • EnableMultiQuery is enabled by default and should be kept on unless you have a good reason to disable it.
    • Added a new visualization option that will show you what the query looks like while baking.


  • Fixed a mesh simplification issue that led to "Did not find vertex to clip."
  • Fixed a region concavity issue that led to infinite bake time.

[1.1.2] - 2023-1-18


  • Fixed errors due to volume native data not being correctly initialized when "Reload Scene" is disabled in the editor settings.
  • Fixed errors due to volumes being loaded or unloaded while a path is in progress.

[1.1.1] - 2022-12-14


  • Fixed a NullReferenceException that occurred when baking multiple volumes that didn't have their data created yet.

[1.1.0] - 2022-11-22


  • New avoidance system.
    • Avoidance can be used either on its own or with a NavAgent or SplineNavAgent.
    • Any object can be an obstacle that is avoided by agents.
    • Agents avoid obstacles as well as each other.
    • Uses the ORCA algorithm, adapted from the RVO2-3D library from University of North Carolina, which is licensed under Apache 2.0.
  • Added an option to help prevent spline paths from entering blocked regions by raycasting the tangents.
  • Added a button to bake all active NavVolumes at once.
  • SplineNavAgents can now get un-stuck by raycasting to see if they are stopped on blocking triangles.


  • Volume identifier now depends on the scene GUID, so a save-as can no longer cause volumes in two scenes to have the same ID.
    • This causes all volume IDs to change. Upon opening a scene with existing volumes, a prompt to migrate the IDs will appear.
  • SplinePath is now a struct and uses native data, no longer requiring managed memory allocations. This also means it's Burst-compatible.
  • Improved performance of spline projecting by using Burst.


  • Fixed several cases where projecting on a spline path would be incorrect.

[1.0.0] - 2022-11-08


  • Initial release, all files and documentation added.